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* Puerto Vallarta Vacation Condo at La Palapa *



Location and Map

Photos 305


Calendar - Available Dates


The Building

PV Lifestyle

Sports & Boat Trips

Gay and Lesbian


La Palapa Restaurant

Currency Converter

Contact Us

gay and lesbian

Gay and Lesbian Puerto Vallarta


Unit 303 is owned by an interior designer and has the style and amenities a gay or lesbian person would enjoy. Furthermore, it is located in the heart of southern Puerto Vallarta which contains almost all the gay bars and businesses as well as the gay beach.

The famous blue chairs beach is only four buildings away. Within one block of the condo are four predominantly gay bars: Garbos, the Kit Kat Club, Sama, and DeWaynes Oasis. The building is at the midpoint location and easy walking distance between the most popular bar -- Manana and the Blue Chairs Beach.

In easy walking distance are shops, salons, doctors, dentists, pharmacies, liquor stores, bars, restaurants, internet connections, and virtually anything you need for your vacation. Likewise, there is a taxi stand across the street and taxis are plentiful and inexpensive.

In the unit we have a book with suggestions for restaurants and other helpful information such as where you can work out. We make getting the hang of the PV scene a snap. There are gay and lesbian owners in the building and the staff is friendly and helpful. The La Palapa Restaurant is truly a fine restaurant and you will look forward to frequent visits. PV is the most gay friendly city in Mexico and one of the most gay friendly cities in North America. Your visit here will be the first of many.


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